Program Latihan Bola Voli Mini

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Based on the authors observation in the field that there are many students who do not have the skills to play mini volleyball properly. The problem is likely due to the lack of proper training method used. This study aims to reveal the influence of methods on the skills of playing mini volleyball at SD Negeri 14 Kampung Jambak Kecamatan Koto Tangah Padang City. This type of research is a quasi experiment.

  1. Program Latihan Bola Voli

The population in this study were students who followed extracurricular activities mini volleyball amounted to 64 people, while the sample taken by purposive sampling, so that the sample is amounted to 35 people. The test used is a mini volleyball skill test consisting of service tests, bottom passing and passing up. Data were analyzed using t-test. Results of data analysis found that: play method gives a significant influence on the skills of playing mini volleyball students (t count = 13.01 ttabel = 2.13). The average value of the initial test of the play method was obtained 50.00 and the final test was 63.65. This means there is an increase of 13.65.

Perbedaan Pengaruh Latihan Teknik Elementer dan Modifikasi Permainan Terhadap Keterampilan bermain Sepakbola. (studi eksperimen pada siswa SSB UNP).

Padang: Tesis Program Pascasarjana UNP. Asep Suharta. Pendekatan Pembelajaran Bola Voli Mini Sebuah Gagasan Konseptual. Jurnal Iptek Olahraga, VOL.9, No.2, Mei 2007:139-152. Bachtiar, dkk. Permainan Besar II Bolavoli dan Bola Tangan.

Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka. Ditjen Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP). Jakarta: Depdiknas. Ditjen Pendidikan TK dan SD. Buku IV Pedoman Tenis Meja, Pedoman Volimini, Pedoman Tenismini, Pedoman Senam, Pedoman Sepaktakraw.

Materi tentang bola voli

Jakarta: Depdiknas. Pendidikan Jasmani Adaptif. Malang: Wineka Media. Padang: Sukabina Press. Rasyid, Willadi. Strategi Model Pembelajaran Penjaskesrek. Padang: Sukabina Press.

Belajar Mudah Penelitian untuk Guru-Karyawan dan Peneliti Pemula. Bandung: Alfabeta. Sunarno, Agung, dkk. Metode Penelitian Keolahragaan. Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka.

Program Latihan Bola Voli Mini

Viera, Barbara L. Bolavoli Tingkat Pemula. Jakarta: PT Rajagrafindo Persada. Yusuf, A Muri.

Metodologi Penelitian. Padang: UNP Press.

Read blocking. Advantages If a team’s blockers are able to read hitters well, it can make defense a lot easier. It may become a lot easier to dig if your blockers are blocking well. Hitters may become confused and not know where to hit if they are being read. Sengoku basara 2 ps2 iso.

Blocking the ball by reading can cause hitters to make poor decisions and give easier balls to dig and easier shots to chase down. Disadvantages If the blockers get a bad read on the ball, often times the ball will ricochet off the hands in a way that makes it unplayable for the defense. Also, even if they do get a good read, if blocking technique isn't good, they may not get many blocks. Area blocking. Advantages If your team has big blockers, making your opponents hit where you want them to may be good volleyball strategies for blocking.

This is good because the opposing are more predictable. Disadvantages By taking away area with your block, you may force hitters to hit at your defenders, but if you don’t play defense well this may not be the best strategy for defense. A solo blocker is often successful by either. Starting the block by standing in the hitters line or angle, then jumping and penetrating as you normally would or. Starting in blocking position as if your blocking teammate was there with you, then as you jump reach to the side and penetrate into the angle or line to block. Three volleyball strategies for solo blocking are. Solo blocking angle There are two methods to blocking solo angle.

Program Latihan Bola Voli

You can take an extra step over before you jump to take up more of the hitter’s angle when you block.